Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team (BR03)

This is an assessment-based learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible. Powered by Everything DiSC®, the profiles help participants understand their own DiSC® styles. Bringing together everyone’s personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge—for individuals, the team, and the organization. 


Review of the "7 Habits" (BR08)


The course will vary somewhat based on the length of time selected.  The more time the more opportunity for discussion and practice of the skills.

Kotter's 8 stages of change (BR05)

Kotter suggests that for change to be successful, 75 percent of a company's management needs to "buy into" the change. In other words, you have to work really hard on Step 1 (Creating Urgency), and spend significant time and energy building that urgency, before moving onto the next steps. Do not panic and jump in too fast because you do not want to risk further short-term losses – if you act without proper preparation, you could be in for a very bumpy ride.

One minute manager (BR06)

Organizational Empowerment - Turn this ship around (BR07)


Situational Leadership (BR09)


Fish!  Motivating Employees (BR02)

Help your employees catch the energy and release the potential with FISH! Based on the best-selling book “FISH!” by Stephen Lundin and John Christiansen, this course draws lessons from the fun-loving fishmongers at Seattle’s Pike Place Market.  Participants view the FISH! video and explore how the FISH! philosophy can help motivate not only themselves but their employees. 

Who moved my Cheese - Handling Change with Covid-19 (BR10)


Change and the "Cheese" Experience (BR01)

Change is all around us. The more quickly and effectively we can adapt, the greater our results will be. This course provides a fresh, positive view of change and techniques for mastering change. Participants watch the movie “Who Moved My Cheese?” and apply the “Handwriting on the Wall” to personal situations. The “Cheese” story allows participants to identify with the characters in the movie and to move beyond their fears and concerns about change, and gain new “fun” language that quickens the change process. Participants also learn how to support, guide and encourage others to adapt effectively to change. 

Good to great (BR04)


Accountability and the Oz PRinciple (BR11)

Personal accountability is a part of any job.  Do you ask yourself, “What else can I do to rise above my circumstances and achieve the results I desire?”  Being accountable means “seeing it, owning it, solving it and doing it.”  When you take on an attitude of accountability, you empower yourself to be responsible, accomplish your goals and achieve your highest potential.  This course will help develop and improve the skills and attitudes needed to strengthen personal accountability, minimize blame, take initiative to improve communication and welcome feedback from others.  This material is based on the book The OZ Principle.

Book/Video Course Descriptions